sábado, 13 de dezembro de 2014

Elementary Os Freya Yosemite - Plank Themer On Dock

Install it with easy terminal copy and paste!

To proceed with the installation, open a Terminal in your Linux system. Then, paste this code to avoid dependencies problems:

sudo apt-get install -y xterm

and then paste this to install Plank Themer.

cd ~ && mkdir -p ~/.temp-plank-themer && cd ~/.temp-plank-themer && wget https://github.com/rhoconlinux/plank-themer/archive/master.zip && unzip master.zip && cd plank-themer-master/ && rm -fR ~/.config/plank/dock1/theme_index; rm -fR ~/.config/plank/dock1/themes-repo; cp -a theme_index/ ~/.config/plank/dock1 && cp -a themes-repo/ ~/.config/plank/dock1 && cd ~ && rm -R ~/.temp-plank-themer && sh ~/.config/plank/dock1/theme_index/plank-on-dock-themer.sh

Yes, you can close your terminal.

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